
Tag: I know why the caged bird sings

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings : A Maya Angelou Primer

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings : A Maya Angelou Primer

There are no shortage of inspirational Maya Angelou quotes to be found that are poignant and meaningful . As a memoirist, poet and activist Angelou words speak of joy and hope without shying away from the realities of life - especially her own. She has been described as “the Black woman’s poet laureate”, and one of the first Black female writers to discuss her personal life in searing honesty and frankness. She had a long and fascinating life which a pithy quotation cannot begin to encapsulate. Here is a brief biography and a primer on some of her most celebrated works. She was born in St Louis, Missouri in 1928, raised by both her parents and her paternal grandmother. She credits...

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